Are You Really Converting As Well As You Think?


Your conversion rate is more than just a number—it's the lifeblood of your business. But are you truly maximizing your potential, or are you leaving money on the table? Many businesses believe they're doing everything right, but the numbers tell a different story.


The Conversion Formula:

CTA Conversion = S + T + V

This formula represents the likelihood of a prospect taking action (CTA) based on three critical factors:

Solution (S), Trust (T), and Value (V).


  • Solution (S): How well you understand and address the prospect's pain points, fears, and frustrations with a tailored solution.

    • The solution is weighted as 25% of the equation.

  • Trust (T): The level of confidence you inspire through your brand’s professionalism, credibility, and consistency.

    • Trust is weighted as 50% of the equation, as it is the most important factor in buying psychology.

  • Trust Factor #1: Impression - Do you make a confident and professional impression with your customers?

  • Trust Factor #2: Time - Do you spend enough time with your customers to build rapport and transfer knowledge and expertise to them?

  • Trust Factor #3: Social Proof - Do you have testimonials, case studies and referrals to ease their concerns that people like them work with you and they are happy?

  • Value (V): The perceived value of your lead magnet, trial offer, or initial engagement, convincing the prospect to take the next step. Having a crystal clear and strong Unique Selling Position (USP) is vital for this stage.

    • Value is weighted as 25% of the equation.

When these elements are perfectly aligned, your conversion rates will soar.

But how well are you performing in each area?

That’s what this assessment will help you discover.

Conversion Formula Assessment Instructions:

To get started, simply rate yourself on each of the following questions from 1 to 5, where 5 is the best possible score. The total score will reveal how likely you are to convert prospects into customers.

The CTA is defined as the Call To Action, which in the early stages of engagement is typically a lead magnet, but essentially it is getting the lead to take the next step (conversion) in their buying journey with you.

This may mean booking a call, opting-in, joining membership in your community, scheduling an estimate, or signing up for a trial or demo, etc..

This equation works for each step of your funnel and your conversion process.

Conversion Formula Assessment

Solution (S)

Do I clearly identify the prospect's main pain points?
Do I demonstrate a deep understanding of the prospect’s industry and challenges?
Do I connect the solution directly to the prospect's goals?
Do I leave the prospect with a strong sense of confidence in our solution?
Do I know the three hot buttons of my client and directly address them with my solution?

Trust (T)

Do I ensure that all client-facing materials (emails, proposals, etc.) are polished and professional?
Does our branding consistently convey trustworthiness and reliability?
Do I make a strong and positive first impression on the prospect?
Do I provide valuable content or collateral that keeps the prospect engaged over time?
Do I ensure that each interaction with the prospect is meaningful and adds value?
Do I follow up consistently to maintain the prospect's interest and trust?
Do I actively use testimonials or case studies to reinforce trust?
Do I leverage social proof (reviews, testimonials) to alleviate any doubts the prospect may have?
Do I highlight relevant referrals or endorsements from satisfied clients?
Do I consistently deliver on promises and meet or exceed the prospect’s expectations?

Value (V)

Does the lead magnet directly address the three hot buttons that are tied to my USP?
Does the lead magnet offer unique insights or solutions that the prospect likely cannot find elsewhere?
Is the lead magnet designed to be easily consumed and actionable within a short period?
Does the lead magnet build credibility by showcasing expertise or authoritative knowledge?
Does the lead magnet provide a clear and compelling call to action that guides the prospect to the next step?


Call to Action (Compelling Reason to Meet):

If your score isn’t as high as you’d like, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many businesses struggle with optimizing their conversion strategies.

The good news?

There are proven methods to turn things around, and I’m here to help.


Testimonial Slider

"Before I was involved with business coaching, I would have said it was not the thing for me. To say, “Life changing” would be an understatement. Invest in yourself, work hard and see the rewards, both financial and personal. Working with my business coach I have gained new focus on my business. I also have someone to whom I am accountable, which has helped me in setting realistic targets and meeting my goals on time. I have learned valuable lessons about my business, my staff and myself. More over I have a plan and a vision. Ongoing support, wisdom and care are invaluable." "Great Coach, focused and results driven. You are in good hands with Todd. "

-Lonnie Worthy

"I absolutely LOVED connecting with Todd. He has a vision to help business owners who are struggling to really reach their full potential. I recommend you reach out to him!""Great Coach, focused and results driven. You are in good hands with Todd. "

-Aly Porter

"I know Todd more from a personal level. He is a man of utmost integrity and character. " "Great Coach, focused and results driven. You are in good hands with Todd. "

-Eric Eggers

"Todd's experience in Sales and Marketing will help drive your business to new heights and success! " "Great Coach, focused and results driven. You are in good hands with Todd. "

-John Serben

"Great Coach, focused and results driven. You are in good hands with Todd. "

-Isi Oteze

Office: HQ in Atlanta, GA

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